"La Rivista di Engramma (open access)" ISSN 1826-901X

184 | settembre 2021


Edgar Wind. A Bibliography of the Works and the Secondary Literature (Updated, September 2021)

edited by Ada Naval Garcia

English abstract


This Bibliography assembles the writings of, and on, Edgar Wind (1900-1971), updated in September 2021. The work has been carried out within the research project Seminario Mnemosyne, coordinated by Monica Centanni, in order to expand and complete the specialised bibliography of Edgar Wind.

The contribution is divided into two main sections. I. Writings of Edgar Wind, including: Books, Essays, Editions, and Reviews; Posthumous Editions (of unpublished texts); Published Letters; Collected Papers; and Online Sources. II. Critical Literature, including: Reviews on Edgar Wind’s Writings; Secondary Bibliography on Edgar Wind; and Bibliographies.

For a useful summary of Edgar Wind’s biography, see B. Thomas, Edgar Wind: A Short Biography, “Stan Rzeczy” 1/8 (2015), 117-137.

II. Critical Literature
Reviews on Edgar Wind’s Writings
Secondary Bibliography on Edgar Wind

I. Writings of Edgar Wind

Books, Essays, Editions, and Reviews
Posthumous Editions
Published Letters
Collected Papers
Online Sources

Books, Essays, Editions, and Reviews


E. Wind, Ästhetischer und kunstwissenschaftlicher Gegenstand. Ein Beitrag zur Methodologie der Kunstgeschichte, Auszug der Inaugural-Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, AJ. 1922, Hamburg 1924 [12 pp.]; E. Wind, Ästhetischer und kunstwissenschaftlicher Gegenstand. Ein Beitrag zur Methodologie der Kunstgeschichte, hrsg. von P. Schneider, Hamburg 2011 [Wind [1924] 2011]; Ita. transl. in E. Wind, Per una sistematica dei problemi artistici, trad. e nota introduttiva di F. Bernabei, “Annali di Critica d’arte” a. 4 (2008) [Bernabei 2008], 51-71.

E. Wind, Review of: Willy Nef, Die Philosophie Wilhelm Wundts, Leipzig 1923, “The Journal of Philosophy” 21/18 (28 August, 1924), 498-502.

E. Wind, Review of: Max Ettlinger, Geschichte der Philosophie von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart, Munich 1924, “The Journal of Philosophy” 21/24 (20 November, 1924), 666-669.


E. Wind, Zur Systematik der künstlerischen Probleme, “Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft” J. 18 (1925), 438-486 [a partial edition of the Inaugural-Dissertation of 1922]; Ita. transl. in A. Pinotti (ed.), Dessoir, Utitz, Wind, Panofsky. Estetica e scienza generale dell’arte. I “concetti fondamentali”, trad. di P. Conte, N. Mocchi e A. Pinotti, Bologna 2007 [Pinotti 2007], 105-148.

E. Wind, Theory of Art versus Aesthetics, “The Philosophical Review” 34/4 (July, 1925), 350-359; Ita. transl. in Pinotti 2007, 95-102.

E. Wind, I. Contemporary German Philosophy, “The Journal of Philosophy” 22/18 (27 August, 1925), 477-493.

E. Wind, II. Contemporary German Philosophy, “The Journal of Philosophy” 22/19 (10 September, 1925), 516-530.


E. Wind, Review of: Raymund Schmidt, Die Philosophie der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellungen, Leipzig 1924, “The Journal of Philosophy” 23/6 (18 March, 1926), 163-164.

E. Wind, Review of: Henry Horace Williams, The Evolution of Logic, Chapel Hill 1926, “The Journal of Philosophy” 23/19 (16 September, 1926), 524-525.


E. Wind, Experiment and Metaphysics, in E.S. Brightman (ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Philosophy (Harvard University 1926), New York 1927, 217-224.

E. Wind, Review of: Alfred C. Elsbach, Kant Und Einstein, Berlin-Leipzig 1924, “The Journal of Philosophy” 24/3 (3 February, 1927), 64-71.


E. Wind, Warburgs Begriff der Kulturwissenschaft und seine Bedeutung für die Ästhetik, “Beilageheft zur Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft” J. 25 (1931), 163-179; new ed. in Wind 2009, 83-111; Eng. trans. in Wind 1983, 21-36; Ita. transl. in R. Cristin, Il concetto di “Kulturwissenschaft” di Warburg e il suo significato per l’estetica, “aut aut” 199-200 (gennaio/aprile 1984), 121-135; new Ita. transl. in Wind 1992, 37-56; Fre. transl. in E. Wind, Le Concept warburgien de science de la culture et sa signification pour l’esthétique, trad. de A. Rieber, “Revue germanique internationale” 28 (2018), 229-242; Spa. transl. in Wind 1993, 63-78.

E. Wind, Humanitätsidee und heroisiertes Porträt in der englischen Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts, in F. Saxl (Hrsg.), England und die Antike, Leipzig-Berlin 1932 (Vorträge der Bibliothek Warburg, 1930-1931), 156-229; Eng. transl. in Wind 1986, 1-52; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 3-78.


E. Wind, Θεῖος Φόβος. Untersuchungen über die Platonische Kunstphilosophie, “Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft” J. 26 (1932), 349-373; Eng. transl. in Wind 1983, 1-19; Esp. transl. in Wind 1993, 41-62.

E. Wind, Mathematik und Sinnesempfindung. Materialen zu einer Whitehead-Kritik, “Logos” J. 21 (1932), 3, 239-280.


E. Wind, H. Meier, R. Newald (Hrsg.), Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliographie zum Nachleben der Antike, Leipzig-Berlin 1934, 1. Die Erscheinungen des Jahres 1931; Eng. transl. in The Warburg Institute (ed.), A Bibliography on the Survival of the Classics, 1-2, London 1934-1938, 1. The Publications of 1931 [The Warburg Institute 1934].

E. Wind, Einleitung in Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliographie zum Nachleben der Antike. Vol 1: Die Erscheinungen des Jahres 1931, ed. by Bibliothek Warburg, Leipzig and Berlin, 1934, V-XVII. 

E. Wind, Introduction, in The Warburg Institute 1934, 5-13.

E. Wind, Das Experiment und die Metaphysik. Zur Auflösung der Kosmologischen Antinomien, Tübingen 1934; new ed. hrsg. und mit einem Nachwort versehen von B. Buschendorf, Eingeleitet von B. Falkenburg, Frankfurt am Main 2000 [Wind [1934] 2000]; Eng. transl. in E. Wind, Experiment and Metaphysics: Towards a Resolution of the Cosmological Antinomies, transl. by C. Edwards, with an introduction by M. Rampley, Oxford 2001 [paperback ed. London 2018].

E. Wind, Can the Antinomies Be Restated?, “Psyche” 14 (1934), 177-178.


E. Wind, The Warburg Institute Classification Scheme, “The Library Association Record”, Series 4, 2 (1935), 5, 193-195.

E. Wind, Review of: Mary Dorothy George, Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires Preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings, Vol. V, 1771-1783, Nos. 4839-6360, London 1935, “The Burlington Magazine” 67/391 (October, 1935), 179.


E. Wind, Some Points of Contact between History and Natural Science, in R. Klibansky, H.J. Paton (eds.), Philosophy and History: Essays Presented to Ernst Cassirer, Oxford 1936, 255-264; Ger. transl. in E. Wind, Über einige Berührungspunkte zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Geschichte, in T. Herzog et al. (Hrsg.), Wissenschaft – Zum Verständnis eines Begriffs, 2, Köln 1988, 34-39.


E. Wind, Donatello’s Judith: A Symbol of “Sanctimonia”, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/1 (July, 1937), 62-63; new ed. with add. in Wind 1983, 37-38; Ita. transl. in Wind 1992, 57-59; Esp. transl. Wind 1993, 79-80.

E. Wind, Ænigma Termini, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/1 (July, 1937), 66-69; new ed. with add. in Wind 1983, 77-84; Ita. transl. in Wind 1992, 121-129; Esp. transl. In Wind 1993, 125-132.

E. Wind, Platonic Justice, Designed by Raphael, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/1 (July, 1937), 69-70; new ed. with add. in Wind 1983, 77-84; Ita. transl. in Wind 1992, 89-91; Esp. transl. In Wind 1993, 101-102.

E. Wind, The Mænad under the Cross: I. Comments on an Observation by Reynolds, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/1 (July, 1937), 70-71; new ed. with add. in Wind 1986, 74-76; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b; first digital ed. in E. Wind, F. Antal, La Menade sotto la crocetesto inglese e trad. a cura. di G. Bordignon, “La Rivista di Engramma” 15 (marzo-aprile 2002), 7-14; second digital ed. with a new introduction by G. Bordignon, “La Rivista di Engramma” 132 (gennaio 2016), 27-36.

E. Wind, An Emendation of Pope by Lessing, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/1 (July, 1937), 78-79; new ed. with add. in Wind 1983, 78-79.

E. Wind, Studies in Allegorical Portraiture: I. In Defence of Composite Portraits, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/2 (October, 1937), 138-142.

E. Wind, Studies in Allegorical Portraiture: II. Albrecht von Brandenburg as St. Erasmus, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/2 (October, 1937), 142-162; new ed. with add. as An Allegorical Portrait by Grünewald: Albrecht von Brandenburg as St. Erasmus in Wind 1983, 58-76.

E. Wind, The Christian Democritus, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/2 (October, 1937), 180-182; new ed. in Wind 1983, 83-85; Spa. transl. in Wind 1993, 133-136.

E. Wind, The Saint as Monster, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/2 (October, 1937), 183.

E. Wind, Verrio’s “Terribilità”, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/2 (October, 1937), 184-185.


E. Wind, The Criminal-God, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/3 (January, 1938), 234-245; Ger. transl. in Wind 2009, 347-355.

E. Wind, Two Notes on the Cult of Ruins: I. Ruins and Echoes, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/3 (January, 1938), 259.

E. Wind, Two Notes on the Cult of Ruins: II. Utopian Ruins, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/3 (January, 1938), 259-260.

E. Wind, Homo Platonis, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/3 (January, 1938), 261.

E. Wind, The Crucifixion of Haman, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/3 (January, 1938), 245-248; Ita. transl. in J.G. Frazer, La crocifissione di Cristo, seguito da E. Wind, La crocifissione di Aman, a cur. di A. Damascelli, Macerata 2007 [Frazer, Wind 2007], 109-128.

E. Wind, Charity: The Case History of a Pattern, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 1/4 (April, 1938), 322-330.

E. Wind, A Mediæval formula in Kant, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 2/1 (July, 1938), 64.

E. Wind, The Four Elements in Raphael’s “Stanza della Segnatura”, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 2/1 (July, 1938), 75-79.

E. Wind, The Revolution of History Painting, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 2/2 (October, 1938), 116-127; new ed. in H. Spencer (ed.), Readings in Art History, 1-2, New York 1976, 2, 233-252; new ed. in J.S. Ackerman, Rococo to Romanticism: Art and Architecture, 1700-1850, New York 1976 (The Garland Library of the History of Art, 10), 187-200; new ed. in Wind 1986, 88-89; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 133-150.

E. Wind, “Borrowed Attitudes” in Reynolds and Hogarth, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 2/2 (October, 1938), 182-185; new ed. with add. in Wind 1986, 69-73; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 103-110.

E. Wind, Shaftesbury as a Patron of Art: With a Letter by Closterman and two Designs by Guidi, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 2/2 (October, 1938), 185-188; new ed. with a Note by R. Klibansky in Wind 1986, 64-68; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 95-101.

The Warburg Institute (ed.), A Bibliography on the Survival of the Classics, 1-2, London 1934-1938, 2. The Publications of 1932-1933.


E. Wind, Fresh Light on Two Well-known Italian Drawings, “Old Master Drawings” 13 (1938-1939), 49-50.

E. Wind, An Eighteenth-century Improvisation in a Leonardo Drawing, “Old Master Drawings” 13 (1938-1939), 49-50.

E. Wind, “Hercules” and “Orpheus”: Two Mock-heroic Designs by Dürer, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 2/3 (January, 1939), 206-218.

E. Wind, Giordano Bruno between Tragedy and Comedy, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 2/3 (January, 1939), 262.

E. Wind, Dürer’s “Männerbad”: A Dionysian Mystery, “Journal of the Warburg Institute” 2/3 (January, 1939), 269-271.


E. Wind, Julian the Apostate at Hampton Court, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 3/1-2 (October 1939-January 1940), 127-137; new ed. in The Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (eds.), England and the Mediterranean Tradition: Studies in Art, History, and Literature, London 1945, 131-138; new ed. with add. in Wind 1986, 53-63; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 79-94.

E. Wind, A Self-Portrait of Greco, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 3/1-2 (October 1939-January 1940), 141-142.

E. Wind, Heine on Louis Philippe, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 3/1-2 (October 1939-January 1940), 160-161.


E. Wind, The Subject of Botticelli’s “Derelitta”, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 4/1-2 (October, 1940-January, 1941), 114-117; new ed. with add. in Wind 1983, 39-41; Ger. transl. in Das Thema von Botticellis “Derelitta”, Übers. von K. Wölfel, “Akzente” J. 29 (1982), 2, 173-178; Esp. transl. in Wind 1993, 81-84.


E. Wind, The Source of David’s Horaces, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 4/3-4 (April, 1941-July, 1942), 124-138; new ed. in Wind 1986, 105-119; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 159-179.


E. Wind, The Lion Filled with Lilies: A Reminiscence of Leonardo in Hogarth, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 6 (1943), 222-223.

E. Wind, Reynolds and Pope on Composite Beauty, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 6 (1943), 223.

E. Wind, A Lost Article on David by Reynolds, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 6 (1943), 223-224.

E. Wind, Harlequin between Tragedy and Comedy, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 6 (1943), 224-225.

E. Wind, Milking the Bull and the He-Goat”, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 6 (1943), 225 ; new revised ed. in Wind 1986, 86-87; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 129-131.


E. Wind, Sante Pagnini and Michelangelo: A Study of the Succession of Savonarola, “Gazette des Beaux-Arts” s. 6, 26 [1944] (1947), 211-246.


E. Wind, Letter to Editor, “The Smith College Associated News” 40 (15 March, 1946), 2-4.

E. Wind, Jean-Paul Sartre: A French Heidegger, “The Smith College Associated News” 40/31 (5 March, 1946), 1-14; new ed. in “Polemic” (5 September, 1946), 54-57; new ed. in Wind 2009, 356-373.

E. Wind, Blood, Iron and Intuition (Jean-Paul Sartre: A French Heidegger), “Polemic” 5 (September-October, 1946), 54-57.


E. Wind, Penny, West and “The Death of Wolfe”, “Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes” 10 (1947), 159-162; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 151-157.

E. Wind, Three Non-Conformist Britons in America: The Hogarth-Constable-Turner Exhibition, “Art News” 45 (March, 1947) 14-17; 62-64.

E. Wind, Sante Paganini and Michelangelo. A Study of the Succession of Savonarola, “Mélanges Henri Focillon, Gazette des Beaux-Arts”, 6, XXVI, 211-246. 


E. Wind, The Critical Nature of a Work of Art, in R.F. French (ed.), Music and Criticism: A Symposium, Cambridge, MA 1948, 53-72; new ed. in M.W. Bloomfield, E.W. Robbins (eds.), Form and Idea, New York 1953, 263-276.

E. Wind, Bellini’s Feast of the Gods: A Study in Venetian Humanism, Cambridge, MA 1948; Ita. transl. in E. Wind, Il “Festino degli dèi” di Giovanni Bellini. Uno studio sull’Umanesimo veneziano, trad. di R. Rizzo, Milano 2017.


E. Wind, Mantegna’s Parnassus: A Reply to Some Recent Reflections, “The Art Bullettin” 31/3 (September, 1949), 224-232.

E. Wind, A Source for Reynolds’s Parody of The School of Athens, “Harvard Library Bullettin” 3/2 (Spring, 1949), 294-297; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 115-119.


E. Wind, The Ark of Noah: A Study in the Symbolism of Michelangelo, “Measure” 1 (1950), 411-421.

E. Wind, A Note on Bacchus and Ariadne, “The Burlington Magazine” 92/564 (March, 1950), 82-85.

E. Wind, The Eloquence of Symbols, “The Burlington Magazine” 92/573 (December, 1950), 349-350; Ger. transl. in Die Beredsamkeit der Symbole, Übers. von K. Wölfel, “Akzende” 29 (1982), 168-172.


E. Wind, Typology in the Sistine Ceiling: A Critical Statement, “The Art Bulletin” 33/1 (March, 1951), 41-47.

E. Wind, Letters to the Editor, “The Art Bulletin” 33/1 (March 1951), 70.


E. Wind, Mathematics and Sensibility, “The Listener” 47 (1 May, 1952), 705-706.

E. Wind, “The Last Supper”, “The Listener” 47 (8 May, 1952), 747-748.

E. Wind, Leonardo as a Physiognomist, “The Listener” 47 (15 May, 1952), 787-788.


E. Wind, Traditional Religion and Modern Art, “Art News” 52 (May, 1953), 18-22; 60-63; new ed. in Wind 1983.

E. Wind, Un Art de caprice, de recherches, un art marginal, “Problèmes de l’art contemporain” 29 (1953), 16-17.


E. Wind, The Revival of Origen, in D. Miner (ed.), Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene, Princeton, NJ 1954, 412-424; new ed. with add. in Wind 1983, 42-56.

E. Wind, speech in the Final Session of Wissenschaft und Freiheit, internationale Tagung (Hamburg 1953), Berlin 1954, 280-281.


E. Wind, Blake and Reynolds, “The Listener” 58 (28 November, 1957), 879-880; new ed. in Wind 1986; Ita. transl. in Wind 2000b, 121-127.

E. Wind, La fallacia dell’arte pura [The Fallacy of Pure Art, unpublished text of the Inaugural Lecture, Oxford, Examination School, 29 October, 1957], trad. di S. Maniello, in Barale, Desideri, Ferretti 2016, 273-292.


E. Wind, Microcosm and Memory, “The Times Literary Supplement” 30 May, 1958, 297.

E. Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, London 1958; Ita. transl. in E. Wind, Misteri pagani nel Rinascimento, trad. di P. Bertolucci, Milano 1971 (Il ramo d’oro, 2); Spa. transl. in E. Wind, Los misterios paganos del Renacimiento, trad. de J. Fernàndes de Castro y J. Bayón, Barcelona 1972; Ger. transl. in E. Wind, Heidnische Mysterien in der Renaissance, mit einem Nachwort von B. Buschendorf, Übersetzt von Chr. Münstermann unter Mitarbeit von B. Buschendorf und G. Heinrichs, Frankfurt am Main 1981; Fre. transl. of the § The Flaying of Marsyas by A.-M. Lecoq, “Le Promeneur” 26 (1985), 12-15; Fre. transl. in E. Wind, Mystères païens de la Renaissance, trad. par P.E. Dauzat, Paris 1992.

E. Wind, Una conchiglia per Afrodite, “FMR” 51 (maggio 1987), 34 [from the Appendix of Wind [1958] 1971].


E. Wind, Review of: Ellis Waterhouse, Gainsborough, London 1958, “The Times Literary Supplement” (20 March, 1959), 153-154.


E. Wind, Maccabean Histories in the Sistine Ceiling, in E.F. Jacob (ed.), Italian Renaissance Studies: A Tribute to the Late Cecilia M. Ady, London 1960, 312-327.

E. Wind, Art and Anarchy, The Reith Lectures, 1960, “The Listener” 64 (17 November, 1960); rev. and enl. ed., London 1963; New York 1964; Spa. transl. in E. Wind, Arte y anarquía, trad. de S. Masó, Madrid 1967; Ita. transl. in E. Wind, Arte e anarchia, trad. di R. Wilcock, Milano 1968; add. to the Ita. ed. by D. Turchini, Milano 1972; Ger. transl. in E. Wind, Kunst und Anarchie, Die Reith Lectures, 1960, Durchgesehene Ausgabe mit den Zusätzen von 1968 und späteren Ergänzungen, Frankfurt am Main 1979; Fre. transl. in E. Wind, Art et anarchie, trad. de P.E. Dauzat, Paris 1988; new. Ger. ed. Berlin 1994; new Spa. transl. by T. Arijón, Buenos Aires 2016.


E. Wind, Platonic Tyranny and the Renaissance Fortuna: On Ficino’s Reading of Laws IV, in M. Meiss (ed.), De artibus opuscula XL: Essays in Honor of Erwin Panofsky, New York 1961, 491-496; new ed. in Wind 1983, 86-94; Ita. transl. in E. Wind, Tirannia platonica e Fortuna rinascimentale, trad. di P. Bertolucci, in Adelphiana 1971, Milano 1971, 23-36.


E. Wind, Une Copie de la gravure de Claude Mellan pour l’Horace de 1642 utilisée comme frontspice pour un Juvénal, “Gazette des Beaux-Arts” 60 (juillet 1962), 316.

E. Wind, Modern Sacred Art, “The Times Literary Supplement” 25 May, 1962, 373.

E. Wind, Technique du coup d’œil, “L’Œil” 95 (1962), 32-39.


E. Wind, Yeats and Raphael: The Dead Child on a Dolphin, “The Times Literary Supplement” 25 October, 1963, 874; new ed. with add. in Wind 1983, 103-106.


E. Wind, Michelangelo’s Prophets and Sibyls, “Proceedings of the British Academy” 51 (1965), 47-84.

E. Wind, Porus Consilii Filius: Notes on the Orphic “Counsels of Night”, in L’opera e il pensiero di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola nella storia dell’Umanesimo, Convegno internazionale per il V centenario della nascita di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (Mirandola 1963), 1-2, Firenze 1965, 2, 197-203.


E. Wind, Review of: J. Byam Shaw, Paintings by Old Masters at Christ Church, “The Times Literary Supplement” 29 August, 1968, 912.

E. Wind, Review of: Ellis Waterhouse, The James A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor: Paintings, Fribourg 1967, “The Times Literary Supplement” 31 October, 1968, 1216.


E. Wind, Giorgione’s Tempesta: With Comments on Giorgione’s Poetic Allegories, Oxford 1969; Ita. transl. in Wind 1992.


E. Wind, Review of: John Sparrow, Visible Words: A Study of Inscriptions in and as Books and Works of Art, Cambridge 1969, “The Times Literary Supplement” 26 March, 1970, 337-338.


E. Wind, Hans Memling, assisted by G.L. Harris and K.B. MacFarlane, Oxford 1971.

E. Wind, On a Recent Biography of Warburg, Review of: E.H. Gombrich, Aby Warburg: An Intellectual Biography, London 1970, “The Times Literary Supplement” 25 June, 1971, 735-736; new ed. in Wind 1983, 106-114; Ita. transl. in Wind 1992, 161-173; first digital ed. in “La Rivista di Engramma” 153 (febbraio 2018), 183-195 ; new Ita. transl. in E. Wind, Su una recente biografia di Warburg, trad. di M. Centanni e A. Fressola, “La Rivista di Engramma” 171 (gennaio-febbraio 2020), 65-80, with a new English edition, 81-93; Spa. transl. in Wind 1993, 159-168.

Posthumous Editions

E. Wind, The Eloquence of Symbols. Studies in Humanist Art, ed. by J. Anderson, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983. 

E. Wind, Art and Anarchy, ed. by J. Bayley, Duckworth, London, 1985.

E. Wind, Hume and the Heroic Portrait in Hume and the Heroic Portrait. Studies in Eighteen-Century Imagery, ed. by J. Anderson, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986, 1-52.    

E. Wind, Offene Rechnungen. Aby Warburg und sein Werk, in Wind 2009, 374-394.

E. Wind, Die Bildsprache Michelangelos, hrsg. von P. Schneider, Berlin-Boston 2017 [Wind 2017].

E. Wind, Notes for the explanation of Warburg’s collected works edition, 1930 c., London, Warburg Institute Archive, 11.1.9, edited by M. Ghelardi in Appendice dei testi inediti di Edgard Wind sulle riflessioni di Aby Warburg su Botticelli, “La Rivista di Engramma” 150 (ottobre 2017), 630-635.

E. Wind, On Classicism, ed. by B. Buschendorf and F. Engel, “Pegasus. Berliner Beiträge zum Nachleben der Antike” J. 18-19 (2018), 195-236; Ger. transl. on pages 237-277 of the same issue.

Published Letters

E. Wind, Letter to Frances Yates [1938], in Branca 2019, 123-125.

E. Wind, A Letter-Draft from Edgar Wind to Jean Seznec (Summer 1954), in Takaes de Oliveira 2020a.

Collected Papers

Wind 1983
E. Wind, The Eloquence of Symbols: Studies in Humanist Art, ed. by J. Anderson, with A Biographical Memoir by H. Lloyd-Jones, trans. by T.G. Rosenmeyer, P.L. Ganz, C. Gooden, E. Bowie and D. Russell, Oxford 1983.

Wind 1986
E. Wind, Hume and the Heroic Portrait: Studies in Eighteen-Century Imagery, ed. by J. Anderson, Oxford 1986.

Wind 1992
E. Wind, L’eloquenza dei simboli – La “Tempesta”: commento sulle allegorie poetiche di Giorgione [The Eloquence of Symbols, Oxford 1983; Giorgione’s Tempesta, Oxford 1969], trad. di E. Colli, Milano 1992 (Il ramo d’oro, 19).

Wind 1993
E. Wind, La elocuencia de los símbolos [The Eloquence of Symbols, Oxford 1983], trad. de L. Millán Vázquez, Madrid 1993.

Wind 2000a
E. Wind, The Religious Symbolism of Michelangelo: The Sistine Ceiling, ed. by E. Sears, Oxford-New York 2000.

Wind 2000b
E. Wind, Humanitas e ritratto eroico. Studi sul linguaggio figurativo del Settecento inglese, a cur. di J. Anderson e C. Harrison, trad. di P. Bertolucci, Milano 2000 (Il ramo d’oro, 34).

Wind 2009
E. Wind, Heilige Furcht und andere Schriften zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Philosophie [The Eloquence of Symbols, Oxford 1983, with additions], hrsg. von J.M. Krois and R. Ohrt, Hamburg 2009.

Online Sources

Edgar Wind Papers, 1893-2003, Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, mss. Wind 1-271; online in Bodleian Libraries’ Archives and Manuscripts.

II. Critical Literature

Reviews on Edgar Wind’s Writings
Secondary Bibliography on Edgar Wind

Reviews on Edgar Wind’s Writings (in Chronological Order)

Nagel 1934
E. Nagel, Review of: E. Wind, Das Experiment und die Metaphysik, Tübingen 1934, “The Journal of Philosophy” 31/6 (March 15, 1934), 164-165.

Moreau 1935
P. Moreau, Review of: E. Wind, H. Meier, R. Newald (Hrsg.), Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliographie zum Nachleben der Antike, 1, Leipzig-Berlin 1934, “Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France” 42/2 (1935), 280.

Buchanan 1936
E. Buchanan, Review of: The Warburg Institute (ed.), A Bibliography on the Survival of the Classics, 1. The Publications of 1931, London 1934, “The Journal of Philosophy” 33/14 (July, 1936), 389-391.

Chew 1939
S.C. Chew, Review of: E. Wind, R. Wittkower (eds.), The Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1 (1937-1938), “The Art Bulletin” 21/3 (September, 1939), 303-305.

Tietze-Conrat 1949
E. Tietze-Conrat, Mantegna’s Parnassus: A Discussion of a Recent Interpretation, “The Art Bulletin”, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Jun., 1949), 126-130.Dionisotti 1950
C. Dionisotti, Review of: Bellini’s Feast of the Gods, A Study in Venetian Humanism by Edgar Wind, “The Art Bulletin”, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Sep., 1950), 237-239.

Dionisotti, Tietze-Conrat 1950
C. Dionisotti, E. Tietze-Conrat, Letters to the Editor, “The Art Bulletin”, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Mar., 1951), 70-72.

Romualdez 1959
A.V. Romualdez, The ‘Pagan’ Renaissance, Review of: E. Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, London 1954, “Philippine Studies” 7/3 (August, 1959), 313-317.

Garin 1959
E. Garin, Enigmatic Veils, Review of: E. Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, London 1954, “The Burlington Magazine” 101/671 (February, 1959), 73-74.

Klein 1960
R. Klein, Review of: E. Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, London 1954, “Renaissance News” 13/3 (Autumn, 1960), 237-240.

Bolgar 1960
R.R. Bolgar, Pagan Mysteries, Review of: E. Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, London 1954, “The Classical Review” 10/1 (March, 1960), 75-77.

Charlson 1965
P. Charlson, Review of: E. Wind, Art and Anarchy, London [1960] 1963, “The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism” 23/3 (Spring, 1965), 391-392.

Speaight 1969
R. Speaight, Review of: E. Wind, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, London 1954, “Journal of the Royal Society of Arts” 117/5151 (February, 1969), 231-232.

Oechslin 1970
W. Oechslin. Review of: E. Wind, Giorgione’s Tempesta: With Comments on Giorgione’s Poetic Allegories, Oxford 1969, “Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance” 32/3 (1970), 695-699.

Robertson 1971
G. Robertson, New Giorgione Studies, Review of: E. Wind, Giorgione’s Tempesta: With Comments on Giorgione’s Poetic Allegories, Oxford 1969; T. Pignatti, Giorgione, Firenze 1969, “Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance” 32/3 (1970), 695-699.

Maxon 1971
J. Maxon, Review of: E. Wind, Giorgione’s Tempesta: With Comments on Giorgione’s Poetic Allegories, Oxford 1969, “Renaissance Quarterly” 24/1 (Spring, 1971), 73-75.

Mandel 1976
D. Mandel, Review of: E. Wind, Art and Anarchy, London [1960] 1963, “Leonardo” 9/1 (Winter, 1976), 76.

Hope et all. 1984
C. Hope, Naming the Graces. Review of: E. Wind, The Eloquence of Symbols: Studies in Humanist Art, Oxford 1984, “London Review of Books”, Vol. 6 No. 5, 15 March 1984.
 With Letters by: Janye Anderson and Margaret Wind, Vol. 6 No. 6, 5 April 1984; Charles Hope, Vol. 6 No. 8, 3 May 1984; Bernard Buschendorf, Vol. 6 No. 21, 15 November 1984.

Iversen 1984
M. Iversen, Review of: E. Wind, The Eloquence of Symbols: Studies in Humanist Art, ed. by J. Anderson, Oxford 1983, “Oxford Art Journal” 7/1 (1984), 60-62.

Silver 1985
L. Silver, Review of: E. Wind, The Eloquence of Symbols: Studies in Humanist Art, ed. by J. Anderson, Oxford 1983, “Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance” 47/1 (1985), 245-248.

Gage 1986
J. Gage, Review of: E. Wind, Hume and the Heroic Portrait: Studies in Eighteen-Century Imagery, ed by. J. Anderson, Oxford 1986, “The Burlington Magazine” 128/1005 (December, 1986) 906-907.

Paulson 1987
R. Paulson, Review of: E. Wind, Hume and the Heroic Portrait: Studies in Eighteen-Century Imagery, ed by. J. Anderson, Oxford 1986, “Eighteenth-Century Studies” 20/4 (Summer, 1987) 472-475.

Ghelardi 1993 
M. Ghelardi, L’allievo di Warburg, Recensione a: E. Wind, L’eloquenza dei simboli – La “Tempesta”: commento sulle allegorie poetiche di Giorgione [The Eloquence of Symbols, Oxford 1983; Giorgione’s Tempesta, Oxford 1969], Milano 1992, “L’Indice dei libri del mese” 10/2 (febbraio 1993), 19-20.

Cañal 1998
V.L. Cañal, La cultura pagana del Renacimiento, Reseña de: E. Wind, Los misterios paganos del Renacimiento [Londres 1954], Barcelona 1972, “Revista de libros”, 18 (junio 1998) 33-34.

Gaston 2003
R.W. Gaston, Review of: E. Wind, The Religious Symbolism of Michelangelo: The Sistine Ceiling, ed by E. Sears, Oxford 2000, “The Burlington Magazine” 145/1208 (November 2003), 797-798.

Barolsky 2003
P. Barolsky, Review of: E. Wind, The Religious Symbolism of Michelangelo: The Sistine Ceiling, ed by E. Sears, Oxford 2000, “Renaissance Quarterly” 56/2 (Summer, 2003), 477-478.

Linden 2004
D. Linden, Review of: E. Wind, Das Experiment und die Metaphysik, hrsg. von B. Buschendorf, Frankfurt am Main [1934] 2000, “Sudhoffs Archiv”, 88/1 (2004), 124-125.

Secondary Bibliography on Edgar Wind (in Alphabetical Order)

Anderson 1996
J. Anderson, Wind, Edgar, in J. Turner (ed.), The Dictionary of Art, 1-34, London 1996, 33, 242-243.

Balavoine 1992
C. Balavoine, Edgar Wind. Itinéraire d’un philosophe historien de l’art: entretien avec Raymond Klibansky, “Préfaces” (juin 1992), 28-32.

Barale, Desideri, Ferretti 2016
A. Barale, F. Desideri, S. Ferretti (cur.), Energia e rappresentazione. Warburg, Panofsky, Wind, Milano-Udine 2016.

Barnett, Wittkover 1994
Partnership and Discovery: Margot and Rudolf Wittkower. Margot Wittkower Interviewed by Teresa Barnett, The J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles 1994, 139-216.

Béchard-Léauté 1999
A.-F. Béchard-Léauté, The Contribution of Émigré Art Historians to the British Art World After 1933, Doctoral Thesis, University of Cambridge, Trinity College, 1999.

Bernabei 2008
F. Bernabei, Nota, Bernabei 2008, 51-71.

Branca 2019
B. Branca, Edgar Wind, filosofo delle immagini. La biografia intellettuale di un discepolo di Aby Warburg, Milano-Udine 2019.

Branca 2020 
B. Branca, edition and commentary of E. Wind, Raphael Papers: The School of Athens, the original full transcription of the 1950 manuscript, published for the first time and commented by B. Branca, Mendrisio 2020.

Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998
H. Bredekamp, F. Hartung, B. Buschendorf, J.M. Krois (Hrsg.), Edgar Wind. Kunsthistoriker und Philosoph, Berlin 1998 (Einstein Bücher).

Bredekamp 1998
H. Bredekamp, Falsche Skischwünge. Winds Kritik an Heidegger und Sartre, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 207-226; Eng. transl. in False Ski-Turns: Edgar Wind’s Critique of Heidegger and Sartre, transl. by I.B. Whyte, The New German Art History, “Art in Translation” 6/2, Special Issue (June, 2014), 215-236.

Busch 1998
W. Busch, Heroisierte Porträts? Edgar Wind und das englische Bildnis des 18. Jahrhunderts, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 33-48.

Buschendorf 1981
B. Buschendorf, Einige Motive im Denken Edgar Winds, Nachwort zu Wind 1981, 396-415.

Buschendorf 1985
B. Buschendorf, “War ein sehr tüchtiges gegenseitiges Fördern”: Edgar Wind und Aby Warburg, “Idea. Jahrbuch der Hamburger Kunsthalle” 4 (1985), 165-209.

Buschendorf 1991
B. Buschendorf, Enthusiasmus und Erinnerung in der Kunsttheorie Edgar Winds, in A. Assmann, D. Harth (Hrsg.), Mnemosyne. Formen und Funktionen der kulturellen Erinnerung, Frankfurt am Main 1991, 319-334.

Wittkover 1994
M. Wittkover, Partnership and Discovery: Margot and Rudolf Wittkower Interviewed by Teresa Barnett, Los Angeles 1994, 139-219. 

Mnemosyne. Formen und Funktionen der kulturellen Erinnerung, Frankfurt am Main 1991, 319-334.

Buschendorf 1993
B. Buschendorf, Auf dem Weg nach England: Edgar Wind und die Emigration der Bibliothek Warburg, in M. Diers (Hrsg.), Porträt aus Büchern: Bibliothek Warburg und Warburg Institute, Hamburg 1993, 85-128.

Buschendorf 1998a
C. Buschendorf, Kunst als Kritik. Edgar Wind und das Symposium Art and Morals, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 117-133.

Buschendorf 1998b
B. Buschendorf, Zur Begründung der Kulturwissenschaft. Der Symbolbegriff bei Friedrich Theodor Vischer, Aby Warburg und Edgar Wind, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 227-248.

Buschendorf 2000
B. Buschendorf, Das Prinzip der inneren Grenzsetzung und seine methodologische Bedeutung für die Kulturwissenschaften, in Wind [1934] 2000, 270-326.

Buschendorf, Engel 2018
B. Buschendorf, F. Engel, Edgar Winds Cambridger Rede Lecture “On Classicism” von 1960, “Pegasus. Berliner Beiträge zum Nachleben der Antike”, H. 18-19 (2018), 237-278. 

Carchia 1995
G. Carchia, Forma e forza, in Id., Arte e bellezza. Saggio sull’estetica della pittura, Bologna 1995, 97-104.

Centanni, Pasini [2000] 2014
M. Centanni, G. Pasini, Aby Warburg e i suoi biografi. Un ritratto intellettuale nelle parole di Giorgio Pasquali (1930), Gertrud Bing (1958), Edgar Wind (1970), “La Rivista di Engramma” 1 (settembre 2000), 31-41; new ed. in “La Rivista di Engramma” 114 (marzo 2014), 43-52; Eng. transl. Aby Warburg and his Biographers: An Intellectual Portrait in the Words of Giorgio Pasquali (1930), Gertrud Bing (1958), Edgar Wind (1970), transl. by E. Thompson, “La Rivista di Engramma” 114 (marzo 2014), 33-42.

Chaney 2012
E. Chaney, Ein echter Warburgianer. R.B. Kitaj, Edgar Wind, Ernst Gombrich und das Warburg Institute, in Obsessionen. R.B. Kitaj, 1932-2007, Ausstellungskatalog (London, Chichester, Hamburg 2012-2013), Über. von C. Kugelmann, E. Gillen, H. Gaßner und M. Ebmeyer, Bielefeld-Berlin 2012.

Collenberg-Plotnikov 2014
B. Collenberg-Plotnikov, “Das Auge liest anders, wenn der Gedanke es lenkt”. Zur Bestimmung des Verhältnisses von Sehen und Wissen bei Edgar Wind, in N. Plotnikov (Hrsg.), Kunst als Sprache – Sprachen der Kunst, Russische Ästhetik und Kunsttheorie der 1920er Jahre in der europäischen Diskussion, Hamburg 2014, 92-110.

Collenberg-Plotnikov 2016
B. Collenberg-Plotnikov, Forschung als Verkörperung zur Parallelisierung von Kunst und Wissenschaft bei Edgar Wind, in J. Siegmund (Hrsg.), Wie verändert sich Kunst, wenn man sie als Forschung versteht?, Berlin 2016, 65-86.

Creighton 1984
G. Creighton, Edgar Wind as Man and Thinker, “New Criterion Reader”, 3, 2 October 1984 pp. 36-41. Reprint in H. Kramer, (ed.) “New Criterion Reader”, New York  1988, pp. 238-243.

Cristaldi 1984
R.V. Cristaldi, I “Selected Papers” di Edgar Wind, “Rivista di studi crociani” a. 21 (1984), 58-66.

Damascelli 2007a
A. Damascelli, Nota introduttiva, in Frazer, Wind 2007, 9-14.

Damascelli 2007b
A. Damascelli, Purim e Passione. Note in margine ai testi di Frazer e di Wind, in Frazer, Wind 2007, 131-254.

Damascelli 2011
A. Damascelli, Edgar Wind e la “Derelitta” (di Botticelli o di Lippi), “Lo straniero” 137 (novembre 2011), 135-138.

Eisler [1969] 2013
C. Eisler, Kunstgeschichte American style: A Study in Migration, in D. Fleming, B. Bailyn (eds.), The Intellectual Migration: Europe and America, 1930-1960, Cambridge [1969] 2013, 544-629.

Engel 2012
F. Engel, “In einem sehr geläuterten Sinne sind Sie doch eigentlich ein Empirist!”: Ernst Cassirer und Edgar Wind im Streit um die Verkörperung von Symbolen, in U. Feist, M. Rath (Hrsg.), Et in imagine ego. Facetten von Bildakt und Verkörperung. Festgabe für Horst Bredekamp, Berlin 2012, 369-392.

Engel 2014
F. Engel, Though this Be Madness: Edgar Wind and the Warburg Tradition, in S. Marienberg, J. Trabant (eds.), Bildakt at the Warburg Institute, Berlin 2014 (Actus et imago, 12), 87-116.

Falkenburg 2000
B. Falkenburg, Die Maßsetzung im Endlichen. Einleitung zur Neuherausgabe, in Wind [1934] 2000, 11-59.

Fehl 1998
P. Fehl, Drei Ebenen von Platons Höhle. Wiederbegegnung mit Edgar Winds Art and Anarchy, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 135-177.

Ferretti 1991
S. Ferretti, Edgar Wind. Dalla filosofia alla storia, “La cultura” a. 29 (1991), 346-357.

Ferretti 2009
S. Ferretti, Edgar Wind filosofo e storico dell’arte, in Ead., L’intenzione dell’opera, Macerata 2009, 27-45.

Freyberg 2016
S. Freyberg, Ereignis und Objekt. Zur Whitehead-Kritik von Edgar Wind und John Dewey, in F. Engel, S. Marienberg (Hrsg.), Das Entgegenkommende Denken. Verstehen zwischen Form und Empfindung, Berlin 2016, 39-54.

Ghelardi 2017
M. Ghelardi, Edgar Wind su Aby Warburg: un esercizio ermeneutico, “La Rivista di Engramma” 150 (ottobre 2017),

Ghelardi 2020
M. Ghelardi, Edgar Wind, Percy Schramm e il Warburg-Kreis. Sui concetti di Nachleben, Renovatio, Correctio, “La Rivista di Engramma” 176 (ottobre 2020)
, 13-42.

Gilbert 1984
C. Gilbert, Edgar Wind as Man and Thinker, “The New Criterion” 3/2 (October, 1984), 36-42. 

Goldfarb 1999
C. R. Goldfarb, Edgar Wind and the World Famous Komodo Dragon, “The Centennial Review” 43/1 (Winter, 1999) 125-134.

Gomes 2017
R.F. Gomes, Composição em contraponto. Notas sobre a relação entre Aby Warburg e Edgar Wind em seus estudos sobre o Renascimento, “Figura: Studies on Classical Tradition” 5/1 (2017), 249-267.

Griener 1998
P. Griener, Edgar Wind und das Problem der Schule von Athen, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 77-103.

Grotz 2018
S. Grotz, Trois warburgiens. Alfred Doren – Fritz Saxl – Edgar Wind, trad. de C. Largier-Vié, “Revue germanique internationale” 28 (2018), 107-124.

Hadot, Carlier 1998
P. Hadot, J. Carlier, Metaphysik und Bilder: ein Gespräch mit Pierre Hadot, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 251-257.

Krois 1998
J.M. Krois, Kunst und Wissenschaft in Edgar Winds Philosophie der Verkörperung, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 181–205.

Lailach 1998
M. Lailach, Das Paradigma der Interpretation in Edgar Winds Die heidnischen Mysterien der Renaissance, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 105-116.

Latella 2008
C. Latella, Knowledge, History and Art in the Early Work of Edgar Wind (1922-1929), tesi di dottorato, relatore A. Ferrarin, Università di Pisa, a.a. 2008.

Latella 2009
C. Latella, Wind and Riegl: The Meaning of a “Problematical” Grammar, “Journal of Art Historiography” 1 (December 2009).

Lloyd-Jones 1983
H. Lloyd-Jones, A Biographical Memoir, in Wind 1983, XIII-XXXVI; Spa. transl. in Wind 1993, 15-30.

Krois [1998] 2011
J.M. Krois, Kunst und Wissenschaft in Edgar Winds Philosophie der Verkörperung. Anhang: Edgar Winds Kurse in Chapel Hill una am Smith College, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 181-205; new ed. in Id., Bildkörper und Körperschema. Schriften zur Verkörperungstheorie ikonischer Formen, hrsg. von H. Bredekamp und M. Lauschke, Berlin 2011 (Actus et imago, 2), 2-23.

McConica 1998
J. McConica, Edgar Winds Oxforder Jahre, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 3-13.

Maniello 2016
S. Maniello, Introduzione a La fallacia dell’arte pura, in Barale, Desideri, Ferretti 2016, 267-272.

Martin 2010
F.-R. Martin, Wind, Edgar (1900-1971), in M. Espagne, B. Savoy (éd.), Dictionnaire des historiens d’arts allemands, Paris 2010, 355-363.

O’Donnell 2018
C.O. O’Donnell, Two Modes of Midcentury Iconology, “History of Humanities” 3/1 (Spring, 2018) 113-136.

O’Donnell 2019
C.O. O’Donnell, Edgar Wind: “Hume and the Heroic Portrait”, “Bilderfahrzeuge: Aby Warburg’s Legacy and the Future of Iconology”, 13 May, 2019.

Pinotti 2016
A. Pinotti, Wind, Warburg et la Kunstwissenschaft comme Kulturwissenschaft, “Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft” 61/2 (2016), 267-279.

Rampley 2001
M. Rampley, Introduction, in Wind 2001, XIII-XXVII.

Redford 1998
B. Redford, “Frisch weht der Wind”: Reynolds und das parodistische Porträt, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 13-31.

Schneider 2009
P. Schneider, Edgar Wind (1900-1971). Begriffliches Denken – verkörpertes Sehen, in J. Probst, J.P. Klenner (Hrsg.), Ideengeschichte der Bildwissenschaft. Siebzehn Porträts, Frankfurt am Main 2009 [Probst, Klenner 2009], 53-74.

Schneider 2011a
P. Schneider, Vorbemerkung, in Wind [1924] 2011, 7-11

Schneider 2011b
P. Schneider, Die Aufgabe ist gestellt – Nachwort, in Wind [1924] 2011, 357-378.

Schneider 2015
P. Schneider, From Hamburg to London: Edgar Wind, Images and Ideas, in U. Fleckner, P. Mack (Hrsg.), The Afterlife of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg: The Emigration and the Early Years of the Warburg Institute in London, Berlin 2015 (Vorträge aus dem Warburg-Haus, 12), 117-130; 228-232.

Schneider 2017a
P. Schneider, Vorwort, in Wind 2017, 7-12.

Schenider 2017b
P. Schneider, Nachwort. Edgar Wind – Verkörperte Präfiguration oder als ob man plötzlich in einen Brunnen fällt, in Wind 2017, 115-126.

Schneider 2002
N. Schneider, Kunst zwischen Magie und Logos: zum kulturwissenschaftlichen Ansatz von Edgar Wind, in K. Garber (Hrsg.), Kulturwissenschaftler des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ihr Werk im Blick auf das Europa der Frühen Neuzeit, München 2002, 23-37.

Sears 1998
E. Sears, Die Bildersprache Michelangelos: Edgar Winds Auslegung der Sixtinischen Decke, in Bredekamp, Hartung, Buschendorf, Krois 1998, 49-75.

Sears 2000
E. Sears, Edgar Wind on Michelangelo, in Wind 2000a, XVII-XL.

Seidl 1997
E. Seidl, Mitte gesucht: Edgar Wind, Kunsthistoriker und Philosoph, “Kunstchronik” 1 (Januar 1997), 8-11.

Takaes de Oliveira 2017
I. Takaes de Oliveira, Arte e transgressão em Edgar Wind. Um estudo sobre a armadura conceitual e a recepção de Art and anarchy (1963), Dissertação de mestrado, orientador Luiz Cesar Marques Filho, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, a.a. 2017.

Takaes de Oliveira 2018
I. Takaes de Oliveira, “L’esprit de Warburg lui-même sera en paix”. A Survey of Edgar Wind’s Quarrel with the Warburg Institute, “La Rivista di Engramma” 153 (febbraio 2018),

Takes de Oliveira [2017] 2019
I. Takes de Oliveira, “A Tract for the Times”: As Reith Lectures de 1960 por Edgar Wind, “Figura: Studies on the Classical Tradition” 5/1 (2017), 269-287; Eng. transl., “A Tract for the Times” – Edgar Wind’s 1960 Reith Lectures, “Journal of Art Historiography” 21 (2019).

Takes de Oliveira 2020a
I. Takes de Oliveira , “Il y a un sort de revenant”, “La Rivista di Engramma” 171 (gennaio-febbraio 2020),

Takes de Oliveira 2020b
I. Takes de Oliveira, The Demented, the Demonic, and the Drunkard: Edgar Wind’s Anarchic Art Theory, “La Rivista di Engramma” 176 (ottobre 2020),

Targia 2018b
G. Targia, Détails et hypothèses: Edgar Wind, Aby Warburg et L’École d’Athènes de Raphaël, “Revue germanique internationale” 28 (2018), 69-86.

Targia 2019a
G. Targia, Edgar Wind’s Self-translations: Philosophical Genealogies and Political Implications of a Cultural-theoretical Tradition, in M.T. Costa, H.-C. Hönes (eds.), Migrating Histories of Art: Self-Translations of a Discipline, Berlin-Boston 2019, 77-89.

Targia 2019b
G. Targia, Der “Zusammenhang zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaft” bei Aby Warburg, Edgar Wind und Niels Bohr, in F. Fehrenbach, C. Zumbusch (Hrsg.), Aby Warburg un die Natur. Epistemik, Ästhetik, Kulturtheorie, Berlin-Boston 2019, 9-31.

Tedesco 2006
S. Tedesco, Sistema e storia nel pensiero estetico di Edgar Wind, in Id., Il metodo e la storia, Palermo 2006, 75-114.

Tedesco 2010
S. Tedesco, Il pensiero estetico di Edgar Wind, in Id., Morfologia estetica. Alcune relazioni fra estetica e scienza naturale, Palermo 2010, 18-27.

Thomas 2004
B. Thomas, Wind, Edgar Marcel (1900-1971), in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, online Edition, Oxford 2004. 

Thomas 2015
B. Thomas, Edgar Wind: A Short Biography, “Stan Rzeczy” 1/8 (2015), 117-137.

Thomas 2020
B. Thomas, Edgar Wind and Modern Art: In Defence of Marginal Anarchy, London-New York 2020.

Ulloa Molina 2021
E.M. Ulloa Molina, La influencia kantiana en el programa de investigación de la sistemática de los problemas artísticos de Edgar Wind, Tesis de maestría, tutor principal O.H. Flores Flores, Escuela nacional de estudios superiores, Unidad Morelia, Instituto de investigaciones estéticas, 2021.

Viola 2012
T. Viola, Peirce and Iconology: Habitus, Embodiment, and the Analogy between Philosophy and Architecture, in “European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy” 4/1 (2012), 6-31.

Zänker 1998
J. Zänker, Mänaden unterm Kreuz. Die Metamorphose der Magdalena bei Antal/Wind und bei Picasso, in P.K. Klein, R. Prange (Hrsg.), Zeitenspiegelung. Zur Bedeutung von Traditionen in Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft. Festschrift für Konrad Hoffmann zum 60. Geburstag am 8. Oktober 1998, Berlin 1998, 301-311.

Zorach 2007
R. Zorach, Love, Truth, Orthodoxy, Reticence; or, what Edgar Wind didn't See in Botticelli’s Primavera, “Critical Inquiry” 34 (Autumn, 2007), 190-224.

Zorach 2008
R. Zorach, Renaissance Theory: A Selective Introduction, in J. Elkins, R. Williams (eds.), Renaissance Theory, New York 2008, 3-36.

Schneider 2009
P. Schneider, Edgar Wind (1900-1971). Begriffliches Denken – verkörpertes Sehen, in Probst, Klenner 2009, 53-74.


Lloyd-Jones 1983
H. Lloyd-Jones, Bibliographic summary in A Biographical Memoir, in Wind 1983, XIII-XXXVI; Spa. transl. in Wind 1993, 15-30.

Thomas 2015
B. Thomas, Bibliographic summary in Edgar Wind: A Short Biography, “Stan Rzeczy” 1/8 (2015), 117-137.

Branca 2021
B. Branca, The Published Writings of Edgar Wind, “The Edgar Wind Journal”.

English Abstract

A complete bibliography of the writings of Edgar Wind and of the curatorships, publications, and translations edited by himself. In addition, a review of the critical literature dedicated to him, as a scholar and intellectual (updated in September 2021).

keywords | Edgar Wind, Bibliography.

doi: https://doi.org/10.25432/1826-901X/2021.184.0011